Monday, June 4, 2007

June 4, 2007 San Antonio, Tx.

Have you studied abroad before in Spain? Not I, but coming June 11, 2007 through July 2, 2007 I will. I am still in San Antonio, Texas just wondering about what Spain will be like. I hope I can discover many things that I can not do here in the States. I dream it would be a different world that I would fit in and be welcome. I hope to see the night life and imagine it to be an exciting night. I wish that every night there is always something to do, to see the locals play their music. I want to go to a music store and listen to the styles of music and I want to see and learn the way they dance. I only hope to have a great time and gain from what will probably be the experience of a life-time. I imagine it to be beautiful just like a dream that would come true. I want to see the historic places that I am always reading about. I hope all of Spain will be energetic and Spain would be a place where it makes me fall in love with all the surroundings and sites. I hope the food is amazing, and the people are wonderful; I hope it will be breathtaking and I will take it all in because I will never know when I will be going out of the States again. I could only imagine, but I rather live and see how Spain is with my own two eyes.