Thursday, July 5, 2007

June 21, 2007 Ganada/Torremolinos, Spain

In my eyes it did have modern architecture but more medieval. It is still being worked on, it looks like a castle that you would see in a snowglobe. I think Gaudi breaks with many traditions in Spain and he does an incrediable job with his work.
This church of Gaudi is what the Effle Tower is to Paris, France, of course, this is the church for Barcelona, Spain.The color glass for the windows, the picutres you have with the tile, the stature of clay he has on top, outside of the church.
All of Gaudi's work you will see the he's an expressionist; he shows details in his work. In Spain you can find his work that is absoulutly outstanding and to know how long it took to carve something or how long it took from begining to end, it's just remarkable.
Gaudi's work is known all around the world to be in Barcelona, Spain and he broke in tradition in order to propose a new way of understanding architecture in terms of the the application of geometry.

June 25, 2007 Madrid, Spain

The last five days in Madrid was crazy because they had heald the biggest gay fest in Europe, it was like nothing I've seen before. The gay fest lasted for a good week, a small group of us decided to see the gay fest start. We got the and people were sitting on the floor, they were drinking and they were even smoking weed/crack right behind us like nothing. The music began as two drag queens announcing a group that is supposeably known in Madrid. The group came out in white space suits and began singing rock to their techno music. People dance like they were doing a work out video, one guy behind Shanelle was dancing like he was about to fight. I thought it was cool so i asked if I could dance with him and I did; after five minutes I was already running out of breath.
Days later the same group decided to head out to the Gay Fest Parade; it was nothing like the one here in San Antonio, Texas. We were in the streets and at first they had a little march but towards the end busses, 18 wheelers, motorcycles, and the smart cars were driving by with music. One of the busses had water gushing out at the crowed soaking us, we were yelling out "Wet t-shirt contest!!!" It was funny.