Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 5, 2007 San Antonio, Tx.

I am very much into music and traveling, so if I could write a report that deals with one of the two if not then both it would be an accomplishment.

There is a massive variety of music all over the world, if I could travel to different places and listen to the types of music they have; to write about it would be words that I can't even explain. I would like to travel to Spain, France, Africa, Australia, Brazil, Jamaica, Bahamas, and where ever else life takes me; these are the places I could imagine that would have diverse music. I am interested in what kind of instruments they play, what beats they make up, and how the music goes with the culture. I enjoy listening to all types of music, so to listen to rap in French or to hear the beats of the drums from Jamaican music; it would be an overwhelming feeling. To see how different one culture is compared to my culture as well as others is full of excitement. It's like when you get an award for straight A's or a gold medal for the Olympics, it's WOW!

The Neighborhood Night Out is when we block off streets in the neighborhood and from evening to night we have the neighborhood come together. We enjoy each other company. We dance with the music we have from the live bands and DJ's, we eat good Mexican food, and we have a terrific time. This only happens once a year around August. I really enjoy attending the Neighborhood Night Out because I have the opportunity to meet new people, learn about who lives around me, and hang out with my old friends.