Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18, 2007 Barcelona, Spain

Have you ever went walking downtown or the mall and you listen to people having a converstation? WOW! It is crazy to hear what they say at times.

Last night in downtown Barcelona we were hanging out to see the night life, but at that same moment there was a soccer game going on. Madrid played against Barcelona and people were saying it will be crazy to be downtown especually if Barcelona wins. I agree it´s like the San Antonio Spurs playing the Dallas Mavericks in basketball for the championship and the Spurs winning; it will be chaos. I do have to say the Spurs did win the 2007 chamionship but agaisnt Calvalers, I bet that was a huge city party.

So after a walk down town I start seeing camera crews on the balconys and I hear people honking the horns on their modpeds and yelling, but I hardly saw anyone. Turns out Madrid won the soccer game. Just a heads up Madrid and Barcelona don´t really get along. I hear a group of guys talking English but they sounded like they were from some other country and I began listening to their converstation.

¨Madrid won the soccer game, damn dude I´m going drinking tonight,¨ said a man in his 20´s wearing a Madrid soccer jersey with David Beckham´s name on the back. The guys that he was with began yelling and all together they shouted out loud singing ¨Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, oh lay, oh lay, oh lay, oh lay,...Madrid thee champions!!!!¨ I was happy they won so the following day I bought my David Beckham´s Madrid jersey.

It`s funny sometimes when you over hear other people converstations, what their plans are for the night, who did what, who did who, but make sure whatever you hear think about it to see if you want to tell someone what you heard. You can hear one thing but it was something else and that´s how rumors begin.