Wednesday, July 4, 2007

June 22, 2007 Torremolinos, Spain

It was one of my best times when being in Spain because I did so much and I enjoyed every moment. We were there for two nights.
The first night because we did not like our dinner, we ended up not eating, but we did go out. Walking down this crazy hill we ran into Chris, Paul, and some girl (I didn't know her) and they told us of a good place to go to. So we went; it's called MAMBOS. It was my favorite place in Spain to go chill, I had my first mintjito(?), oh it was good! We met us with Chris and Carlos at Mambos and decided to go cub hopping. The first club Shanelle, Mari, Victoria, Carlos, Chris, and I saw Richardo (our bus driver) come out of. The club was playing the same music over and over and we decided to leave to find another club. After two moe the third was pretty sweet, I enjoyed the music, although I wish I could of dance. I couldn't because some people were drunk and being rude and I got a bad vibe off of them, they ruined my night!!! So to the people who messed up my night, grow up!!!!
Day two my mom, Liz, Shanelle, Chris, and I went to get a bite to eat and headed out to the beach, it was a blast! It was more then what I expected. We rented out unbrillas for the day and fell asleep, after a while Chris and I went into the beach, no it wasn't was freezing! So then Richard met up with us and he wanted to go parasailing and I joined him. It was amazing, you feel peaceful, calm, and a little frighten at first, I was at least. The man that hooked Richard and I up to the harnest said that their were sharks at the bottom, but for me it was now or never. I said, "what the heck" because I knew I would never get the chance to go parasailing in the Meditarrean again. Once done with that Steve, Shanelle, Richard, and I got on the bananna boat. It was one heck of a ride, we got flipped over twice in freezing water. The first time we flipped I hit my right arm on the boat and I thought it broke, luckly it didn't. All of us got back on the boat only to find out we were getting flipped over again; with my arm in a lot of pain and having to get on the boat which it was hard to do, I don't know why I wanted to get on the boat in the first place.

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