Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 14, 2007 Burgos, Spain

This is like nothing back home in San Antonio, Texas. With a wake up call at 6am we got everything together and left Madrid to Burgos to continue the rest of the journey. After three in a half hours we made it and was lead off in front of the Plaza del Rey San Fernando where there is a beautiful Catedral. People who want to study abroad, or want to travel, maybe even have family in Spain and know nothing about it; I wish I can tell you how everything is but it´s words I can´t explain. I think you just have to come and see for yourself. In San Antonio we have mesquitos, dirty air polution, trash all over, the parks are scary to go to, and it´s nothing like Spain. I am not trying to talk bad about San Antonio but if you come and see how things are here in Spain you´ll feel like you´re in a dream. In Spain the parks are clean, huge, and beautiful with statues and water fountains all around. The parks have huge trees of all kinds and flowers of all colors, and I was amazed to see people laying down in the grass, a group of girls dancing like no one was watching, a group of guys playing soccer, and a couple having a picnic. In Spain they have small cars and little mopeds, so they have fresher air. Being in Spain is a new world to me. It´s a dream and I know when I go back home I am going to realize I am going to miss Spain, but I can always visit; who knows, maybe I´ll see you here.

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