Wednesday, June 13, 2007

June 13, 2007 Madrid, Spain

I saw the original painting of El 3 de mayo en Mardrid: Los fusilamientos en la montana del Principe Pio by Francisco de Goya in the Museo Nacional Del Prado. Which is one of the biggest museums in the world. Back in May of 1808 the French army killed innocent Spaniards assuming they had weapons; so Goya dedicated this painting for those who were innocent. This painting delt with part of the Revolution War and it was the first painting about the war. I spoke to four guys at the museum about the painting who were anoth race than Mexican. They all agreed that the painting is more significant to Mexicans than anyone else. I agree and also it is more abstract to me than it be realism. This painting in my eyes was very shady, dark, sad. Three men were dead, one Mexican had his hands covering his face in shame and the others had sadness in their eyes. Even the French army had dark clothes, but only one man stood out. One Mexican that was in the middle, he had a white shirt with gloden-yellowish pants.
My 2nd day in be continued

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