Monday, June 11, 2007

June 7, 2007 San Antonio, Tx.

The "Medieval Spain" delt with alot of the Gothic and religon. Gothic in Spain had a rough like country church, some pieces of jewelry, or a royal crown in a museum; these legacies that were kept for three centuries. with no suprise to Visigoths bosted the largest and strongest kingdom in the Western Europe. For Spain's first attempt to be a unified nation is when their unity was finally achived.

What i thought was interesting is how Catholic was first a ¨Roman religon.¨ The books says, ¨Goths had adopted the Arian view of Christianity (which denied the Trinity) and came to think of it as their own, while Hispanics praticed the ¨Roman religon,¨ later to be called Catholic.¨I am a Hispanic, catholic but now in days there are other ethnics who are Catholics as well.

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