Wednesday, June 13, 2007

June 13, 2007 Madrid , Spain

El 3 de mayo en Madrid: Los fusilmientos en la montana del Principe Pio was painted by Francsico de Goya (1746-1828). It was the first painting in history that delt with the war, with death; about back in May 2, 1808 a tragic happened in Madrid. The French army killd a few Spainards, back in the Revolution war; but the Spaniards were innocent so Goya painted this painting in memory. I spoked to four students at the Museo National Del Prado where you can find the orginal painting. One student was from Rome; one was from Chicago, and the other two were from California. They all agreed that it would be more significant to Mexicans and the painting wasn´t that realistic. I have to agree; the painting was more towards abstract than realistic, but I still got the feeling it was like. The painting seemed shady and dark, but the one model in the painting that seemed like he was surrendering stood out. Everyone had dark clothes on and he was wearing a golden/yellowish pants and a white shirt. There were three men dead, one with shame on his face and the rest with sarrow.

*June 13, 2007 Madrid, Spain

Today was a better day than the first only because today was a more relaxed day and time consuming. With a wake up call at eight in the morning I got ready, ate breakfast and began my day. First I set off to The Museo Nacional Del Prado and I saw the original painting that I studied in one of my art classes; the painting is El 3 de Mayo. After that we went for a boat ride, to the park, I saw the statue of the falling angel, chocolate´y chorros and met up with some family members that live in Spain back at the hotel. It was a great day and before going to bed that night we packed to head out to the next city the following day.

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